About Us
Young Australian People is a not-for-profit organisation that has been created - and is operated by – the same community that the organisation aims to help - residents of Melbourne’s public housing estates and multicultural communities. It is run by youth who have overcome the barriers that restrict disadvantaged young people from engaging fully in the workforce and are already part of the community.
Young Australian People aims to empower and equip disadvantaged multicultural youth, predominantly living in public housing to create their best lives, through the provision of support, information, guidance, connections and community.
Young Australian People’s vision is to create an environment in which there are no barriers that restrict disadvantaged young people from gaining meaningful employment and skills. We want to see young people in government roles and across all sectors, advancing in meaningful careers and becoming the best version of themselves.
Our Mission:
Young Australian People aims to empower and equip disadvantaged multicultural youth, predominantly
living in public housing to create their best lives, through the provision of support, information, guidance,
connections and community.
Our Vision:
Create an environment in which there are no barriers that restrict disadvantaged young people from
gaining meaningful employment and skills. We want to see young people in government roles and across all sectors, advancing in meaningful careers and becoming the best version of themselves.

We believe that every young Australian has the potential to succeed in life, regardless of their background or circumstances. Our mission is to help them unlock their full potential and achieve their dreams.

Who we work with
Young Australian People work with any Australian young person who faces a disadvantage and needs help to build a better life for themselves. Members of our target demographic face obstacles such as:
Language barriers
Struggling to build networks.
Lack of academic qualifications.
Lack of work experience.
Family and community culture that inhibit work or study in a particular area.
Poor financial management skills.
Confidence and self-worth issues.
Absence of knowledge to navigate employment processes, taxation and other regulations.
Absence of knowledge to navigate support services.
Drug use.
Criminal behaviors.
Family dysfunction or violence.
Destructive social behaviors or habits.

Additionally, Young Australian People provides tailored support and resources to address the unique challenges faced by disadvantaged youth. This includes assistance with resume building, job search strategies, interview preparation, and ongoing support throughout the employment process. The organization also offers training programs in areas such as literacy, numeracy, and digital literacy to help bridge gaps in education and improve employability skills. By providing holistic support and addressing the underlying barriers to employment, Young Australian People is helping disadvantaged youth achieve their full potential and break the cycle of poverty.